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Medjool (Medjoul) Dates: quality Guide

How do you recognize high-quality Medjool dates?

Today we will make you an expert in  Medjool (Medjoul) dates . How do you know what high  quality  is and when there is a problem?

We list the most important factors that determine the quality of Medjool dates.

The most important thing: taste

First of all: the medjool must be tasty!

You can expect a rich sweet taste. It should be free of salty notes. They should taste a rich sweetness and hints of caramel and toffee.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Many medjoul dates cut open</font></font>


The Medjool dates should have a nice, toffee-like texture.

The dates should be free of sugar crystals, not too hard and not too soft.

You should be able to squeeze the dates into your finger without applying too much pressure.

The moisture content should be between 22% and 26% and the meat should look shiny and juicy.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">open  medjoul dates</font></font>


Size is not really an important quality factor.

However, larger fruits tend to have thicker flesh.

Larger fruits look nicer and more attractive!

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">sizes of medjoul dates</font></font>

Last and least important: loose fruit skin

The loose fruit peel "skin" is the least important quality factor. Peel separation is the loose peel that remains stuck and does not adhere to the fruit. A little skin separation looks better and is therefore more expensive.

Loose skin says nothing about the freshness of the date!

To the inexperienced, fruits with high peel separation may appear dry, but usually the opposite is true. High peel separation is usually a sign of moist, juicy fruit.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Medjoul date with a lot of loose skin</font></font>

Quality problems that do not belong in Medjool dates

Too dry

Fruit that is too dry is fruit with a low moisture content.

Signs of dryness are:

– You cannot open the fruit with your fingers

– Fruit does not respond when you press it with your fingers

– Difficult to chew

– Thin, fibrous and rubbery flesh

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Dry Medjoul Date</font></font>


Sugar bloom  is the crystallization of sugar in the date.

It is a small defect that indicates that the date has been in a warm place for a long time. It is completely safe to eat. Some people even like the crunch!

Insect damage

Sometimes insects attack Medjool dates while they are still on the tree. Usually we see it when we pack the dates, but sometimes it is impossible to notice it. This is slightly more common with organic Medjool dates because no pesticides are used.

Black mold (Aspergillus spp.)

Aspergillus spp. is a black fungus that attacks Medjool dates while still on the trees.

It looks like a black powder that is visible on the inside of the date.

Fortunately, a recent study at the Volkani Institute (Israel) showed that the Aspergillus fungus found in Medjool dates does not produce toxins that are dangerous to humans.

Most cases of black mold are detected once the dates are sorted.


Medjool dates are “semi-dry” fruits. This means they contain some moisture that allows fruit to ferment.

When dates contain a lot of water (28%+), they can ferment just like fresh fruit.

Typically, these dates are very soft and have a foul, fermented smell.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Fermented medjoul date</font></font>
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Medjoul dates with sugar bloom</font></font>
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">medjoul dates with black mold (aspergillus spp.)</font></font>
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